Prescriptive Analytics for District Heating Networks

Prescriptive Analytics Tool for District Heating Networks is being developed and demonstrated. The project is funded by EUDP.

Foto: Henrik Laursen, Colourbox.

Denmark's energy system depends on district heating, which provides a reliable heating supply and supports the country's sustainable energy goals. However, the existing approaches to managing faults, maintenance, and upgrades in these heating networks are costly and inefficient. To address this, a Prescriptive Analytics Tool for District Heating Networks is being developed and demonstrated in this project.

This innovative tool integrates data from thermographic images, smart meters, GIS, and other infrastructure to offer insights on network operation and maintenance. It then uses this data, along with available resources, to automatically generate optimized maintenance and renovation plans.

This tool not only enhances maintenance strategies but also enhances cost and energy efficiency, maximizes asset life, and sets the stage for self-healing district heating systems.

Project Period: 1 November 2023- 31 October 2026

Project consortium consists of: DTU, Drone Systems, HOFOR A/S, and Frederiksberg Fjernvarme

Total project budget: 7,382,879 DKK

DTU budget: 3,931,504 DKK

Funded by: EUDP (The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme)


Maryamsadat Tahavori

Maryamsadat Tahavori Lektor Institut for Ingeniørteknologi og -didaktik Mobil: 93511272