Technology Implementation and Engineering Education Research


Through research in technology implementation and engineering education, we develop tools and methods for successful implementation of technology and for state-of-the-art engineering education. Our activities are organized in a number of research sections  that focus on engineering education research and research in technology implementation within a wide range of engineering fields, covering both technical, organizational, and business aspects of the implementation process.

Innovation and Collaboration

When new technology is developed, knowledge about its implementation is crucial to ensure that the new technology is actually put to practical use and benefits society. Technology implementation and innovation are central to the entirety of DTU's operations and to the difference that DTU, as a university, makes for society. DTU Engineering Technology contributes to this part of DTU's work with a special focus on practical applications. We strive to be the leading experts on technology implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises in fields such as manufacturing, construction, utilities, healthcare, and agriculture. Collaborating with businesses is also seamlessly integrated into the curriculum of the BEng programme at DTU.

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