Developing and demonstrating a novel waste recycling process using arc plasma with steam as plasma-forming gas in combination with advanced 3D-structured plasma torch electrodes.
The energy-intense industries in Europe are facing major challenges due to the climate crisis and resource crisis and require the energy transition towards renewable energies and the raw material transition towards a sustainable circular economy. The ArcAMAT project addresses these challenges with solutions to integrate renewable electricity with the chemical recycling of wastes, producing hydrogen-containing synthesis gas for the chemical industry.
The main objective is to develop and demonstrate a novel waste recycling process using arc plasma with steam as plasma-forming gas in combination with advanced 3D-structured plasma torch electrodes.
The novel plasma torch electrodes will be developed based on modelling and experiments in a 15 kg/h plasma gasifier.
The aim of the project consortium is to validate the gasification of challenging wastes in an industrially relevant environment by developing and demonstrating a novel waste recycling process using arc plasma with steam as plasma-forming gas in combination with advanced 3D-structured plasma torch electrodes. The hope is to demonstrate the advantages of the novel electrodes compared to the conventional electrodes with respect to feedstock flexibility, process efficiency, syngas quality, electrode lifetime and costs.Despite the strong benefits of allothermal gasification using renewable electricity, plasma-assisted processes currently lack industrial applications involving the recycling of carbon-containing wastes.
DTU will be responsible for the investigating of the mechanical properties and the surface analyses of the materials both before and after the plasma treatment. DTU Engineering Technology and DTU’s Design Build Lab will furthermore lead the development of the new 3D-structured design of the plasma torch electrode.
The ArcAMAT consortium connects 3 universities from Germany, Poland and Denmark (Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg (lead), University of Krakow and DTU) and 1 SME (DBI-Virtuhcon GmbH, the leading provider in Germany when it comes to designing, engineering, constructing and operating pilot plants to produce syngas from different carbon-containing raw materials.)
Project Period
Innovation Fund Denmark og M-ERA.Net Call 2023 on materials for clean energy related applications (EU Horizon 2020)
Christian Kim Christiansen Lektor Institut for Ingeniørteknologi og -didaktik Mobil: 22766347