Power Bio
Power Bio's overall objective is to increase the supply of biomass for green energy production and high-value products through efficient use of unused residual biomass and straw.

To achieve the goal of the green transition, the role and function of biomass must be developed more than is the case today. We must see all types of biomass as valuable raw materials and learn to utilize them in the best possible way with consideration for both the environment and climate — and in relation to the function of the energy system, where biogas is an asset in balancing the system.
The goal of PowerBio is to increase the supply of biomass for green energy production and high-value products through efficient use of unused residual biomass and straw.
The biomass is used in cascades, i.e. a step-by-step utilization of the biomass. This raises the biomass to as high a value as possible and extends the value chain. This can make the collection meaningful and profitable for both municipalities and biomass consumers, which is not the case today.
The project shows the way to best practice for utilizing each individual biomass optimally and for multiple purposes; energy, high-value products and CO2 storage. Through collaboration across municipalities, companies and practice-oriented research, the project will support the implementation of concrete efforts within collection and use. The project's many municipal partners provide a unique basis for obtaining larger quantities of biomass for energy and high-value purposes. This requires dialogue between collection actors, biomass owners and companies so that the biomass can actually be, and is, used.
It builds on experiences from the Interreg project Greater Bio, where it was clarified, among other things, that scaling and knowledge sharing are crucial for residual biomass to become relevant in the green transition.
Partners: Sustainable Business Hub, Lund University, NSR, Solserv, Lund Municipality, Malmö City, Tomelilla Municipality, DTU Engineering Technology, Roskilde University (RUC), Danish Technological Institute (TI), Ringsted Biogas, Søuld, Business LF (BLF), Halsnæs Municipality, Odsherred Municipality, Greve Municipality, Køge Municipality, I/S Strandparken, Rudersdal Municipality, Hørsholm Municipality, Vallensbæk Municipality, International Organization for Local Government Environment (KIMO)
Countries: Sweden, Denmark
Regions: Skåne (SE), Capital Region (DK), Zealand (DK), Central Jutland (DK)
Period: 16 January 2023 – 16 January 2026
Budget: 4,291,360 EUR. Of which EU funds allocated: EUR 2,574,813
Lead Partner: Gate 21
Power Bio is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak (Interreg ØKS)
Rodrigo Salvador Assistant Professor Department of Engineering Technology and Didactics Mobile: +45 93513496 rodsa@dtu.dk