About DTU Engineering Technology
DTU Engineering Technology is located at DTU Ballerup Campus. Through close collaboration with the business community, we focus on research-based technology implementation in practice across a wide range of engineering disciplines, and we play a significant role in the education of BEing students and in DTU's lifelong learning activities.

At DTU Engineering Technology, we conduct research in technology implementation and in engineering education.
Through collaborations with companies in teaching, student projects and research, we systematically work on developing tools and methods for the implementation and hands-on transfer of technology to society through new products and solutions.
Our activities are organized in a number of research groups that focus on engineering education research and research in technology implementation within a wide range of engineering fields, covering both technical, organizational, and business aspects of the implementation process.
The department is located at DTU Ballerup Campus, which houses dedicated facilities for hands-on laboratory teaching and integrated project work and research collaborations with companies.
Our Name and History
DTU Engineering Technology has existed since January 1, 2021, when the former DTU Diplom, Center for BEng Education, became a department at DTU under the name DTU Engineering Technology. Engineering Technology is the term used internationally to describe the practice-oriented and application-focused approach within engineering education and technical research. DTU Diplom was established in 2013 when IHK (Ingeniørhøjskolen i København) and DTU merged.