Material Lab
In Material Lab we work with material characterization - especially polymers and metals - at both microscopic and macroscopic levels, measurement and testing of items, as well as analysis of soil and water samples related to pollution. The laboratory encompasses experimental teaching in this field, and is also the home for several experimental research projects.

- Microscopy: Light-optical, electron (Phenom XL with EDS), atomic force (Nanosurf)
- Machines for embedding and grinding of samples (for microscopy)
- Spectroscopy: Infrared (Spectrum TWO FT-IR), X-ray (Spectro xSORT XRF), optical (SPECTROCHECK spark OES)
- Thermal analysis: Mettler-Toledo DSC-TGA3+
- Universal tensile-compression test (MTS C43, electromechanical)
- Roughness meter, hardness meter, impact toughness meter
- DNA and RNA sequencing
- Liquid measurements: pH, resistance, COD
- Ovens for heat treatment
Morten Hedelykke Dietz Fuglsang Laboratory Engineer Department of Engineering Technology and Didactics Mobile: +45 93511229